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Ice Post-op Recovery & Fibrosis

What is ICE Post-Op Recovery?

Icing after surgery is a common practice used to minimize inflammation and alleviate pain. Although a certain level of inflammation is essential for the healing process, excessive inflammation can lead to swelling and discomfort. By applying ice, the blood vessels in the treated area constrict, resulting in reduced blood flow. As a result, inflammation is controlled, leading to a more comfortable recovery experience.

Ice Post-op Recovery & Fibrosis

10 Main Benefits of ICE Post-Op

  • Alleviate post-surgery pain effectively
  • Reduce swelling and speed up the healing process
  • Ensure better blood and oxygen flow
  • Shorten the post-op healing time
  • Minimize potential side effects after cosmetic procedures
  • Help patients deal with swelling and pain
  • Prevent and eliminate scar tissue formation
  • Diminish the buildup of fluid beneath the skin’s surface
  • Soothe sore muscles and decrease inflammation
  • Enhance healing of bruised areas

What is Fibrosis & How Do We Treat it?

Fibrosis from surgery is the excessive formation of scar tissue resulting from a surgical procedure. This treatment utilizes targeted massage techniques and manual lymphatic drainage to reduce excess scar tissue formation. By improving blood circulation, and enhancing the body's natural healing process.

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